How to Get Traffic to Your Startup with Blogs In 2024

Everyone can start a business and drive traffic in great numbers. Yes, you heard right. It is not as difficult as it looks.

Only you need to know the tactics and excel in the ways. Blogging is one of the easiest and highest-generating revenue techniques.

Many sites are already on the top of Google get organic traffic and generate high revenue through blogging.

The famous blogger Neil Patel whose blog ranks at the top of the Google search engine. He is one of the multi-millionaires generating 10 thousand dollars from his blogs.

He grew his blogs to over 1.2 M visitors by organic traffic search only. But believe you can also be among the top 10 bloggers and become a millionaire like this.

The only thing you have to know is the pattern to write a perfect blog to get traffic to your new startup.

There is no magic wound that you can swirl and get traffic to your startup but with tactics and expert guidance, you can make a blog that gets visitors to your site.

Here is a quick 5-point guide to follow with on-page SEO.

Step#1. Keyword Research:

Google has 3-5 billion active users performing over 40,000 searches per day. That means if you use keywords in the wrong way, you lose that much traffic.

Keywords are the main powerhouse of your blogs. Without a keyword strategy or set of relevant keywords, you are unable to rank.

If you want your content to rank on the top of search engines and attract visitors successfully you have to conduct keyword research.

Before choosing keywords you have to choose a topic that matches with your niche and or what people might expect from your site.

Once you select the topic then it’s time to go for keyword research. Keywords are the search terms that people use to search for a particular concept.

These are the words they use to find out about any topic. It is the essential fundamental step and you have to be careful while searching for it.

The best way to do this is to analyze your competitor’s website and see what keywords they are ranking. This also helps you to make a list of topics and the way they are written.

Go for manual search:

In a manual search for keywords, the most basic and useful way is to search by Google. As you start typing your core subject in the search bar look at the Google suggestions. Google suggests a list of keywords that people are mostly searching for dropdown.

For example, when I start typing the related queries by Google are shown in the drop box.

There are also related separate search recommendations by Google at the bottom of the page. This method is useful but it is a long way to go relatively. You want to find additional insights (search volume, SEO competition) for the best keywords.

Keywords Tools:

Keyword research tools are specially designed SEO tools that help you to find the best most suitable keywords with all the SEO details.

There are so many tools available in the market with unique values. But you have to choose the one that matches your demands.

Here is a list of some free and paid tools that you can use and make your research easy.

  • Google Keyword Planner (strongly recommended)
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Ubbersuggest
  • Ahrefs
  • Google Trends
  • KWFinder

These tools provide you with valuable insights like search volume, organic and paid search difficulty, and keyword intent.

Keyword Research Factors:

While performing keyword research there are some important elements to consider. These factors help you to find out the best-fitting keywords for your content.

Relevance: is how your keywords or search term closely matches with the search queries. If you choose a keyword that aligns with searcher’s needs it will surely rank on search engines.

Keyword Competition: this is an estimate of how difficult is to rank on Google with this keyword. Select keywords with lower competition and high potential in ranking.

Volume: It is the number of searches that represent how many people are searching about your selected keyword. If you create an amazing blog but no one is actually searching for it, it won’t rank on the search engine.

Keyword Types and Intent:

Keyword types and intent are considered the same thing. But I have divided this into two different sections as it is a completely different phenomenon.

Types of Keyword:

Primary Keywords: These are the main keywords that you choose to write on. These are the words with high search volume that bloggers are expected to rank on Google.

Secondary Keywords: As the name shows they play side characters in your content. These are the words that are the closest variations of your focus keyword. They are useful to target the additional or related queries that people might use to find out about specific topics.

For example, if your primary keyword is “Home workout routines” then you can also “Body weight loss exercises”, and “fitness tips” in your keyword list.

Keyword Intent:

Keyword intent represents what will be the reason or intention of the user behind the search. Without knowing the keyword intent and placement you are unable to get traffic to your startup.

It helps you to get maximum results and ultimately conversions. There are four primary types of keyword intent.

Informational Intent: users are looking to learn or be educated about something. For example, What is SEO?

Navigational Intent: Your prospect wants to locate or find a specific site or brand. For example, Facebook, and Amazon.

Transactional Intent: This shows that users are ready to take a specific action. For example, they want to buy an iPhone 11.

Commercial Intent: Users are searching for relevant information before making a purchase. For example, the Best deal for fast food.

Now, the strategy to make a perfect keyword list comes into the game.

  • Relevant keywords
  • High search volume
  • Medium or low competition ( at the start don’t go for too high that are present on the top of search engines)

Last but not least thing I want to mention here is about the long tail keywords.

Long-Tail Keywords:

Now the algorithm and SEO have changed. The old tactics are not as helpful and provide results as they did 10 years ago. People are more likely to search by long phrases instead of one or two specific words.

Analytics shows that long-tail keywords have an average conversion rate of 36% and over 70% of people search by long-tail keywords.

For example, “Best country for vacations” this keyword have search volume but it is too generic with big players there.

Instead, if you use “Best country for vacation with babies in September” it is more specific with low competition and you can easily rank there.

According to Backlinko after an analysis of 306 million keywords, 91.8% of all the search queries are for long-tail keywords.

Step#2. Meta Title:

It refers to the 60-70 characters clickable sentence or phrase that showed on search results or snippet.

It is an essential HTML element that specifies what your blog is about and what to expect from it. It is also considered a key element of SEO.

Now the question is does it help in ranking? So the resounding answer is “No”. It is not directly involved in your startup and blog ranking. It act as CTR and it is important to optimize.

Include a primary keyword: Crafting an effective title that includes your main targeting keyword. It helps you to SEO optimize your title and invoke curiosity in your readers that nudges them to take an action.

Understandable at a glance: Keep your title very clear and concise around 60-70 characters or 580 pixels only otherwise Google will cut it off in snippet.

Bring Curiosity: Make sure your highlight directly connect with your audience and highlight your content values.

You can start it with question, solving a problem or maybe with a deep or crucial insights that make people to think and take action about it.

Incorporate Emotional Words: Emotionally trigger words that evoke a sense of excitement, urgency, hope or curiosity and also communicate the values your audience will gain from your blog.

These are positive and negative emotional words but I prefer to use generic words for better clickbaity.

Test and Tweak: Use A/B testing and try different headlines for your content to see which one performs better and get more results.

Mistake to Avoid:

Too Generic:

Don’t make your headline too generic and overused headlines like “10 tips for sharp memory”. This is a clear turn-off for your reader and cannot grabs attention. Instead you can make “Are you a genius? Test your IQ level with us and find it out”.

Stuffing Keywords:

Adding too many keyword just to aim high ranking on search engine is bad act. Over stuffing your meta title with keywords directly indicate the Google that your content is of low value. It also hurt your SEO value and user experience.

Missing CTA:

If your title lack a strong CTA the readers are less likely to take imminent action. CTA motivate or persuade your reader to click on your content.

Step#3. Meta Description:

Meta description are the summary of your webpage content displays on search engine. They help visitors to knw about what your blog is about. They are blueprints of your webpages content and decide whether user click on it or not.

The optimum length of meta description is 150-160 characters but more exactly 159 characters including all spaces and other expressions.

Meta description are important as they help to improve SEO of your startup (website) and conversions.

How to optimize meta description for your website?

As a study by Hotspot reveals that website with optimize meta description expect to get 5.8% more clicks than those that don’t have.

These insights shows how important are to optimize meta description. But in case if your still don’t know how to write an effective meta description. Read and apply the following ways.

  • You must know what is your subject or what you want people to know about you.
  • Craft a concise and clear description including target and relevant keywords.
  • Keep it under the 159-160 characters that directly reflect your content values.
  • Add encouraging CTA that evoke a sense of action and increase the click through rate.
  • Make sure that your description is easy to read and convey value to the readers.

Meta description are powerful enough to drive traffic to your startup.

Step#4. Header Tags Optimization:

Header tags are the most important HTML elements are used to specify the main points (heading and subheadings) of your content.

They are denoted by H1, H2 and so on. By using these tags in a optimized way structure your content and enhance the readability. The numerals in your header tags (H1, H2) represents that the level and relation of heading with one another.


It is the most important high level tags used as a main title of a page or content. It is consist of your focus keyword and help to improve the website visibility and ultimately get more visitors.


These tags are denoting the main section of your post. It allows you to set a stage for your startup with additional relevant keywords. They make it easier for readers to navigate and skim your content.


These HTML tags are further sub classify your structural hierarchy. They improve readability and user easily navigate your blog.


They are the fourth level of your content and further break down the H3 to make it more digestable.

Header Tags and Website Traffic:

You might be wonder how header tags drives traffic to your startup and enhance SEO. Well, header tags are the second most important factors of ON-page SEO.

When your content are easier to read and navigate it boost the visibility and attract more potential visitors. When mostly people search about their relevant topic they don’t want to read complex data.

Instead 80% of readers just skim the content by headings and get clear idea. So make sure to include HTML headers tags for keeping visitors to stay longer on your site and do come back and engage through it.

Optimize high quality headlines directly lead to increase in website traffic and decrease bounce rates.

Step#5. Internal Linking:

Internal links are also called hyperlinks. It is a practice of linking your content within your website. For example, the HTML code of internal links are:

The important and most common HTML elements used for internal linking is anchoring tag “<a>” to connet different sections of page

Google search advocate John Muller clarifies that internal links are crucial for the search performance which directly leads to website traffic.

It helps Google to understand the structure of your site and indicates the authority of content. Internal links are further classified into five major types:

Navigational Links:

These links used extensively and appears in navigation menu header, footer or sidebar. They help visitors to locate different main sections homepage, services, about or content easily.

Contextual Links:

Links that are find in content body. They use to link other article, blogs or pages related to your content. They are very essential for SEO and used widely.

Breadcrumb Links:

They are localized links that shows users their current location with a website hierarchy. They act as a map that give visitors a clear path to get back to main page.

Footers Links:

They present at the footer bar (about us, page policies, uses & terms) of your content or website. As far as it is directly related to attracting visitors but still they are important for engagement.

Anchor Links:

These links are also named as jump links. They allow users to jump from one page to another specific page. They particularly used for long form articles or pages that divided different sections such as FAQ’s.

How internal linking helps to get traffic to your startup?

Improve site navigation: It creates a well interconnected network of pages with in your website that provides clear and structurally organized content in logical pathway. They improves the user experience that ultimately leads to increase in traffic.

Increase Page Authority: The factor “link equity” used by search engine for ranking is distributed by internal links. Acquire high quality links strategically to your new startup indicated the authority and credibility. Ultimately, high search ranking leads to get more organic traffic.

Boost Google Indexing: When you created an organized pathway by internal linking Google crawlers find it easier to crawl and index your content. Instant and better indexation means your site will be shown in search results increasing the chances of getting more visitors.

Provide value to content: Linking your content to related topics and information provide additional value to your visitors. This also indicates the search engine that you cover comprehensive information on specific topic. It will attracts the potential customers.

Wrapping Up:

Ready to drive insane traffic to your startup with blogging?

Now I an pretty sure that you can create an effective blog with the above techniques and tips.

In the start it might be feel difficult and daunting task to you but if you want to turn your business into brand you have to work smart.

Hope this blog guide will help you a lot. Share it with your friends if your like it.

If you have any valuable tips that you want to share please it in the comment section below.

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