Blog Writing: How to Write an Effective Blog in 2024

What is blog writing? A blog is a powerful way for businesses and individuals to showcase their expertise, and interests and build long-term relationships with their audience.

Well, do you know about Neil Patel? Yes, Neil Patel a master of blog writing and digital marketing. He built his whole career with blogging and is now a millionaire. Sound great. Right?

But the problem is how to start blogging and earn money through it. Congratulations you are in the right spot. After reading this guide “How to write blog step-by-step in 2024” you can start your blogging career confidently.

I will show exactly the most effective way to write a blog that is not only well-written but also really grabs the reader’s attention. Blog helps businesses establish an online presence and build trust and credibility. In 2024 writing a blog become easier than ever.

Let’s jump into the blogging world and walk through each step to be a successful blogger.

How to Start Writing Blog in 2024:

Blogging become more accessible than ever. But wait! Is blogging for everyone? Well, yes anyone can do blogging and be a renowned blogger if they are passionate about a specific topic and enjoy writing.

The biggest myth about blog writing is you cannot write a good blog if you are not a good writer. That is completely wrong. Sure, it’s important but to become a successful blogger you have to master the skill of communicating with people.

Even I met with people who are masters in writing but struggle to connect with people through words. The great news is in 2024 blogging become a cup of tea and you can start blogging by just following the steps (which I discuss later).

blog writing Understanding the audience and market:

Before you start writing understanding the market trends and and your target audience is essential. Let’s say your business sells children’s toys. Then your audience will be toddlers and children, not youngsters.

Once you know who is your audience you can easily create content and generate ideas based on their interest and needs. It’s also one of the key elements in the successful blog writing.

Moreover, a report by HubSpot stated blogs that cater to audience interest get 67%more visitors than generic content. It shows how important is to understand audience interests and needs for successful blogging.

Let me give you another example to better understand this. For instance, a fitness blog attracts readers looking for workout and diet plans. This also helps you in creating an effective strategy.

You can use tools like Google Analytics, and social media platforms to identify your targeted audience.

blog writing Analyzing the Competition:

Now it’s time to become a detective. Analyzing the competition is the crucial step before you start writing. Check out your competitor’s website in your niche and make a list of it. It helps you to find trending topics, and areas of gaps and allows you to make your content calendar.

This ensures that your content(blog) resonates with your audience. It’s like finding a space for yourself in a huge crowd. It also helps you improve your SEO by reviewing your competitor’s SEO tactics.

SEMrush and Ahrefs are free tools offering insights into competitors’ websites.

Blog writing
Blog writing

Crafting Unique and Engaging Content:

blog writing After defining your audience and analyzing rivals it’s time to decide what makes you stand out in today’s noisier world. What do I mean by that? Every day millions of blogs publish on every single topic. But did you notice the blog having some spices or different stuff get ranked? Yes, before blogging you have to identify the unique angle that defines you.

It’s like the base of your site. Think about it if you have the same data that top blogs have why did people read from you? They are more likely to go for that because these sites already build trust and credibility.

To build trust and drive organic traffic create unique and engaging content that makes your reader stick around the post till the end.

For example, Moz’s blogs always grab readers’ attention in a way that makes people think blog writing “What is more“.

Blog Writing Format:

  • Choose topic
  • Create an outline
  • Write catch headlines
  • Introduction
  • Body of content
  • Conclusion
  • Edit and proofread
  • Promote the blog

Choosing a Topic:

Understanding audience interests and needs it easier to choose a topic that resonates with them. As you already make a list of topics on which competitors are ranking. blog writing Choose a topic where your interest overlaps with audience needs.

Use keyword research tools like Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, and SEMrush and find trending topics. For instance, If my topic name is “Content Marketing” I will first check the search volume of this keyword. If the search volume is high that means people are searching for this.

However, don’t just copy the existing topic. Find your angle, and write it in your way to make it more valuable. While choosing a topic make sure that you know what’s the search intent of your topic.

Blog writing
Blog writing

Finding Intent:

Search intent means the reason of what people are searching. Either they want to get educated, entertain or buy something. Let’s say someone searches for “best sneaker” then obviously they don’t want to read the long article on it. This is where search intent comes in.

Search intent is mainly of four types.

Navigational Intent: People search to find specific websites or data. e.g. Facebook login, Brand name.

Informational Intent: As the name shows user wants to learn or get information about a specific topic. e.g. What is cryptocurrency?

Transactional Intent: It’s related to action. Users want to take specific action. e.g. Purchasing, Downloading, etc.

Commercial Intent: Users want to get educated before taking specific action. e.g. Best sneakers online with free delivery.

This also determines the length of your blog and helps to improve the SEO.

Create Outline:

It’s time to create the first draft of your blog. After choosing a relevant topic conduct keyword research. Research keywords that rank high on search engines. There are two methods that I use to search keywords.

First, search manually. When you start typing Google offers a list of suggestions to complete your thoughts. These are the queries that people mostly search for.

When you finally enter the name of the topic scroll down to the bottom of the search results, blog writing there is the section Google offers (People also asked). This is the best to find SEO keywords and also discover new keywords. It expands your keyword pool.

You can also use free tools for keyword research like SEMrush, Moz, and Google Keyword Planner.

Now figure out the main points you want to cover in your blog. Start with an introduction then break down the topic into headings or sub-headings. Further, add supporting details like stats, research findings, expert opinions, and anecdotes.

Arrange them in a logical flow and step back to revise and ensure that all points are covered perfectly. Creating an outline gives you direction and clarifies your thoughts.

Write Catchy Headlines:

blog writing Catchy and engaging headlines are the golden opportunity for you to grab the reader’s attention. People have very short attention spans they don’t want to spend 30 minutes reading. A study revealed that 79%people always scan the page.

For example, “10 Life-Changing Exercises” instead of “Exercise for a happy life”.

Tips for effective blogging headlines:

  • Keep it short.
  • Be specific.
  • Use numbers and bullet points.
  • Use powerful words.
  • Test and Improve.

blog writing Introduction:

Introductions show the reader what to expect in this article. Your introduction is your first impression. If your introduction is boring and cannot hook readers within seconds no matter how good your content is they are not going to read it. To make your reader excited about your content you need to add magic in your introduction.

  • Understand their pain points, agitate, and solve them.
  • Invoke an emotional response and don’t disclose all your data points.
  • Leave some curiosity and be transparent.

blog writing Body of Content:

The body of your blog is where you write the details of your blog headlines. It is where you inform, educate, entertain, and sometimes influence readers. Break the body into subsections to make it skimable.

  1. Keep paragraphs short.
  2. Maintain a conversational tone.
  3. Add anecdotes.
  4. Use bullet points.

Adding Visuals:

Visuals are necessary for content to make it more engaging and memorable. Businesses add visuals that resonate with their blogs to attract people and make a connection with them more effectively.

The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text that’s why visuals become an integral part of content marketing. Content with visuals gets 94% more views and increases both traffic and leads.

Visuals can be of any type videos, images, infographics, and polls that are more engaging and compel message without any text.

An old saying “A picture is worth thousand words”. It’s true. blog writing They not only boost engagement rates but also are shareable across different platforms multiplying reach and potential leads.


It’s the final part of the blog where you leave the reader with satisfaction. The conclusion is the closure of your topic and also one of the most important parts. As your readers are already with you you just need to push them a little to engage with you through comments, likes, and shares.

Don’t be afraid to ask their opinions on your post. Ask them to comment if they find any detail or point missing. Keep it concise and add CTA in the form of questions.

How long should a blog post be?

The optimum length of a blog must be between 1500 to 2500 words. But according to Google’s guide, there are no one-size-fits-all answers. However, this number comes from the observation of trends in content that rank well on SERPs.

Google’s algorithm always content that provides readers with deeper insights and addresses the needs and questions of people. The word count doesn’t matter when it comes to quality. Search engines prefer content that serves the best for user intent, whether it’s a short 500-word blog or a long 2500.

Long-form content allows you to give readers with more comprehensive view and also be beneficial for SEO. Your primary focus should always be on creating high-quality and valuable content.

Can Blogging Make Money?

Blogging is the easiest and fastest way to earn money in 2024 only if you know the hacks and strategies. Otherwise, it will take a long time to stand out in the blogging world. There are many ways by which you can monetize your content and start making money.


It’s a traditional way to promote your blog by running ads on different social media platforms. Google AdSense and Tumblr are the best platforms for displaying ads so whenever a person clicks on an ad or blog you will get paid.

For example, if you allow Google AdSense to display ads on your blog every time a person interacts with these ads you will pay for it.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing involves earning a commission by generating unique links that bloggers can use to promote products or services on their blogs. This commission is usually a percentage of the sale or a fixed amount.

Amazon links and Commission Junction are best for bloggers. Whenever a readers purchase through that link you will get your commission.

Subscription and Premium Content:

Most blogs are free but subscription and premium models build a wall that restricts the readers from accessing the full content. In this way, readers have to pay to access and read full-featured in-depth content.

When you create content that people are eager to read it’s the best time to adopt this model and earn money. Patreon and Substack are the most suitable platforms for subscription and premium content strategy.

Digital Products:

Digital product is a great way to earn money by selling through your blog. Instead, of selling your products physically it’s easier to handle so there is no shipping and manufacturing cost.

The benefit of this is once you create content you can earn very long through it like e-books, guides, printables, downloads, etc.

For example, you are a fashion blogger and create blogs on the latest fashions. You can sell dresses with a unique and cultural touch through it.

Will AI Replace Blog Writers?

Clear and short answer: Not entirely. Sure, AI can write on any topic or any niche but still, it is not able to write content like humans. It’s a machine that gives you output based on your input it cannot draw personal experiences, emotions, and sense that human writing has.

Instead, you can enhance your blog or writing by leveraging AI and boosting productivity. It is a fantastic tool to generate ideas so you don’t need to spend hours brainstorming. So keep calm and write on. The writing still needs your voice, stories, and human touch.


Blogging is like a small business and you can earn handsome money through it as a full-time or side hustle.

Hope, blog writing you find this guide helpful and are ready to create your blog and start earning. I try my best to give you everything you need to know about writing blog writing.

If you have any tips that you want to share please take a moment to share in the comment section below. I would love to hear that from you.

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